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How Pregnancy Can Impact Your Dental Health

Pregnant womanThe surge of hormones that goes along with pregnancy can cause some expectant mothers to experience certain dental problems. Gum tissue in particular might respond more severely to plaque during pregnancy. This means that pregnant women may develop gingivitis and those who already have gingivitis may experience worsening symptoms.

Pregnancy and Your Dental Health

An increase in estrogen and progesterone (also called ‘the pregnancy hormone,’) can contribute to a problem known as “pregnancy gingivitis.” This disease can begin to occur as early as the second month of pregnancy. This condition is positive in that it can serve as a warning for more severe dental problems such as periodontal disease. If left untreated, periodontal disease can cause tooth loss.

The best way to prevent any dental problems during your pregnancy is to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing at least twice daily, flossing every day, and visiting your dentist every six months. This means that you should visit the dentist at least once during your pregnancy for a dental cleaning and exam. You can also consider using mouthwash, which can control plaque and gingivitis.

The best time for a pregnant woman to have a dental procedure performed is between the fourth and sixth month of her pregnancy. Additionally, dental X-Rays should only be taken during pregnancy in case of an emergency. Please let your dentist know if there’s any chance you could be pregnant.

Practicing good oral hygiene for yourself is the best way to teach your child how to care for his or her teeth. To make an appointment for your child to receive a dental cleaning and exam, please contact Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics located here in Firestone, Colorado.

Posted on May 11, 2018
Image Credit: ©



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