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How to React to Your Child's Dental Emergency

A young boy having work done on his teeth

As a parent, there's nothing more awful than seeing your child in pain. Unfortunately, a dental crisis can occur instantly. While it's entirely normal to freeze in these circumstances, the most reasonable thing you can do is stay calm and call a pediatric dental specialist as quickly as time permits.

If Your Child Has a Toothache

A kid's toothache can mean various things. Start by asking them how it feels and make sure that they do not have something stuck between their teeth (in which case, tenderly floss the specific area). If you have determined that the toothache is minor, give them over-the-counter kids' pain medication as guided and apply ice or a cold compress to the outside of their face. Then, call to make the most readily accessible appointment with a pediatric dental specialist.

If your child has a fever and you are not able to see a dentist within a couple of hours, get some medical attention. They might have an issue that requires antibiotics quickly.

If Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

If your child knocks out a tooth, call and schedule an appointment with your pediatric dental specialist right away.  After doing so, apply a piece of sterile gauze to the area and have your child bite down to control the bleeding. If a permanent tooth was knocked out, try to replace the tooth as quickly as possible. If you are not able to replace it, put the tooth in a glass of milk to bring it with you to the dentist. If the tooth knocked out is a baby tooth, do not attempt to replant it, as you may hurt the permanent tooth that will come in.

For more information about children's dental emergencies and how to deal with them, please contact Dr. Matthew Brady or Dr. David Garlock as early as possible. Visit Firestone Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics to make an appointment.

Posted on Oct 25, 2021
Image Credit:

File ID 9068765 | © Pressmaster |



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