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5 Animals That Have Amazing Teeth

Great white shark

From predatory carnivores to sharp canines, every single species of the animal kingdom has some form of teeth. Depending on their evolution and needs, most animals have different teeth from one another.

For instance, sheep, cows, and other similar herbivores have wide, flat teeth, making it easier for them to consume their desired diet. On the other hand, beavers have rock-hard teeth that allow them to cut wood for the purpose of food and shelter.

Animals with the strongest teeth in the animal kingdom

  1. The Great White Shark: Yes, this petrifying villain of the Jaws’ series happens to have some of the strongest teeth on the planet. Being the largest predatory fish, it has around 3,000 teeth arranged in rows on its jaws. What’s even more interesting is that the great white shark has teeth that are renewable. As soon as one tooth falls out, another one takes its place almost instantly. On average, a shark may go through about 30,000 teeth in its 50 to 70 years lifespan. 
  2. Snails: Who would assume that this seemingly harmless gastropod has teeth made of the strongest biological material, even stronger than titanium? Additionally, they have about 20,000 teeth – which is more than any other animal – that line its tongues since snails are among those animals that don’t have jaws. 
  3. Saltwater Crocodile: Compared to other animals on this list, crocodiles have a tiny number of teeth. However, at 66, that is still more than twice as many as human teeth. With a force of 3,700 pounds per square inch, saltwater crocodiles have the strongest force of bite in the world. 
  4. Beavers: Beavers consume a lot of iron in their food, which may be why they have such strong teeth. This gives them the strength required to cut through wood to make dams and get the softer part of the bark for food. 
  5. Payara: Rightfully known as the ‘vampire fish,’ the payara fish has two large fangs that freakishly resemble that of a vampire. However, these grow from the lower jaw into the head and upper jaw of the fish, where there are negative spaces for the teeth to rest. 

Did you know almost every animal has a way to keep its teeth clean as well? However, Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics is more concerned about keeping your children’s teeth in perfect condition. So, if you live in Fort Lupton, Frederick, or Dacono, make sure to take your kids to our pediatric dental office for regular checkups.

Posted on Dec 13, 2021

Image Credit:

File ID 34192521 | © Kelpfish |



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