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Childhood Tooth Sensitivity

A young girl holding the side of her mouth with a sad face

Sensitive teeth can cause pain during chewing, drinking, or even breathing. When the tooth enamel begins to wear down, it exposes the nerves underneath, which can often cause sensitivity. This sensitivity will cause pain when exposed to hot or cold temperatures, or even air.

There are ways to help kids with the pain that goes along with sensitive teeth. If your child complains of pain in multiple teeth at the same time, it may be due to sensitivity and not a dental disease.

Minimizing Childhood Tooth Sensitivity

  • Switch Your Child's Toothpaste – There are various toothpaste formulas for those suffering from sensitive teeth. These toothpaste formulas contain strontium chloride and potassium nitrate, which ease pain by blocking the pain signals to the nerves of the teeth.
  • Replace Toothbrushes – It's important to replace toothbrushes every three months anyway, but if your child is complaining of tooth sensitivity, you may want to make the switch now. Your child's brush should be soft-bristled or one targeted towards those with sensitive teeth.
  • Keep a Diary Of Flare-Ups – Certain foods can cause more discomfort for sensitive teeth than others. Keep track of the foods your child eats and note which ones tend to cause the sensitivity to worsen. Once you know what types of food make the problem worse, you can help your child avoid them.
  • Visit Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics – Lastly, please let us know if your child is suffering from tooth sensitivity. There are things we can do to help ease pain associated with sensitive teeth.

If your child is suffering from sensitive teeth, please don't hesitate to contact Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics to make an appointment. We are pros at dentistry for kids, so contact our Firestone, Colorado pediatric dental office today! 

Posted on Aug 24, 2020
Image Credit: ©



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