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Dentists Vs. Orthodontists

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If you're looking for dental care in Frederick, you might be confused regarding the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist. While both professionals can diagnose and treat dental problems, some differences set them apart.

This blog will explore the differences between dentists and orthodontists and help you determine which is right for your needs.

Dentists vs. Orthodontists: Understanding the Difference

What is a Dentist?

A dentist is a licensed healthcare professional specializing in diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental problems. Dentists have completed a four-year dental school program and have passed a rigorous licensing exam. They can perform various dental procedures, including cleanings, fillings, extractions, and more. Dentists can also perform routine check-ups and screenings to catch dental problems early and prevent them from becoming more serious.

What is an Orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dentist specializing in diagnosing, preventing, and treating bite and jaw problems. Orthodontists receive additional training after dental school, typically two to three years, in the field of orthodontics. This training allows them to treat bite and jaw problems, including misaligned teeth, overbites, and underbites.

What Services Do They Offer?

While dentists and orthodontists offer similar services, some key differences exist between them. Dentists offer a wide range of routine dental care services, such as cleanings, fillings, extractions, and more. They also offer cosmetic dentistry services, such as teeth whitening and veneers, to improve the appearance of your smile.

Orthodontists, however, focus primarily on the alignment of the teeth and jaws. They offer a variety of orthodontic treatments, such as braces, clear aligners, and more, to correct bite and jaw problems. Orthodontists can also treat TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, which can cause jaw pain and headaches.

When to See a Dentist or Orthodontist

A dentist is the best professional to see if you're experiencing routine dental problems, such as cavities or gum disease. They can diagnose and treat these issues and help you maintain good oral health.

However, an orthodontist is the better choice if you're experiencing bite or jaw problems, such as misaligned teeth or an overbite. They have the specialized training and experience to diagnose and treat these complex issues.

You'll find many dental care options in Frederick, including dentists and orthodontists. If you're looking for a Frederick dentist or Frederick orthodontist, you can easily find one who can meet your needs and help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.


Whether you need a Frederick dentist or a Frederick orthodontist, both professionals play an important role in maintaining good oral health. Understanding the differences between these two professionals can help you make an informed decision about your dental care and ensure that you receive the best possible treatment for your needs.

Posted on Mar 27, 2023
Image Credit:

File ID 61070846 | © Puhhha |



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