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What Causes Uneven Teeth?

A recent study by the American Association of Orthodontics discovered that as many as 1/3rd of American adults are unhappy with their smiles because of crooked or uneven teeth. Here at Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we don’t want our patients to be part of this statistic! Your confidence in your smile is very important to us.

It’s easy for us to explain why you may need orthodontic treatment and how it will help, but many of our orthodontic patients and their parents may have questions about why and how their teeth are crooked or uneven in the first place.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

The largest factor in the way your teeth look is genetics. Just like a uniquely shaped nose or that extra long toe, teeth are inherited from parents and grandparents. But while that’s the most common reason for crooked teeth, there are a few other factors that will affect the appearance of your teeth. These factors include:

  • Losing baby teeth too early or too late. This will affect the way the adult teeth come in, sometimes causing them to shift around to accommodate the baby teeth or lack thereof.
  • Jaw size in relation to teeth size. If you have a small jaw and large teeth, there will be less room for the teeth to come in, causing them to shift sideways.
  • Missing teeth will allow the other teeth to shift, causing gaps and unevenness.
  • Thumb sucking or pacifier use past the age of 3 can affect the shape of the jaw, causing the front teeth to protrude.
  • Grinding of teeth can put excess force on teeth and can cause them to become crooked.

If you’re unhappy with your smile or if your child has any of the above risk factors, it’s a good idea to come in for an orthodontic consultation to discuss your options! To make an appointment, please contact Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, located in Firestone, CO!

Posted on Jul 25, 2016
Image Credit: ©



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