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How to Make Brushing Fun for Kids!

Boy brushing his teethMorning and bedtime routines can be hectic. In the morning, you’re often trying to get kids ready for school, adults ready for work, and everyone out of the house on time! In the evening, you need to make sure homework has been done, bedtime stories have been read, and that everyone gets tucked in. Unfortunately, proper brushing and flossing habits can simply get lost in the shuffle.

Even if you are able to make sure your children and brushing and flossing each day, chances are that it’s not a task your kids are excited about. Luckily there are a few ways to make proper dental care seem like less of a chore.

Making Brushing Fun 

Below are a few ways you can help make oral hygiene fun:

  • Pick a fun toothbrush – Allowing your children to pick their own toothbrushes will empower them to be a part of maintaining their dental health. Toothbrushes are offered with a variety of television characters, superheroes, and princesses. As long as your child’s toothbrush has soft bristles and is the right size for his or her mouth, it will be perfect!
  • Use toothpaste with fun flavors – Lots of kids have an aversion to minty or cinnamon flavored toothpaste. Luckily, there are many different types of toothpastes geared towards children with fun flavors. Allow your child to pick the flavor of his or her toothpaste; as long as it has the seal of approval from the ADA, it will help maintain your child’s oral health.
  • Brush with the whole family – Lastly, make your dental hygiene routine a family affair! Kids love to imitate the behavior of their parents. Watching you care for your oral health is a great way to show your kids that their teeth are a priority. This will also allow you to detect any problems your children may have with their brushing technique.

Just because oral health care should be habit doesn’t mean it needs to be a bore! Getting your kids excited about their dental health will not only make your routine easier, but it’ll give them a solid foundation for a life of proper oral hygiene habits!

To make an appointment for your child to receive a dental cleaning and exam, please contact Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. Our kid’s dental office is located here in Firestone, Colorado.

Posted on Mar 29, 2018
Image Credit: ©



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