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3 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good for Your Teeth

Chewing gum

From sugar to soda to citrus foods, everything seems to be bad for your teeth. But have you wondered if there are foods that are actually good for your teeth?

The truth is that good oral health depends on various things. Brush religiously, floss twice a day, visit the dentist at least twice a year, and yes, eat teeth-friendly food.

Following are a few foods that are surprisingly good for your teeth

  • Strawberries: Since they are acidic, sweet, and tend to stain everything they come in contact with to different shades of pink and red, strawberries may not be the first thing to come to your mind when you think good for your teeth. However, strawberries contain malic acid, which is a natural whitener for enamel. This means that eating them will help keep your teeth free of stains. Just make sure to floss afterward as strawberry-particles tend to get stuck between teeth.
  • Sesame Seeds: Chewing sesame seeds is a natural way of scrubbing plaque from your teeth. They are also high in calcium, which contributes to the health of your bones and teeth. You can reap these benefits by eating sesame seeds on their own or adding them to breads or salad – just make sure to chew properly.
  • Chewing Gum: Yes, all those ads claiming that chewing gum is good for your teeth are actually true. Since it is strongly recommended to not swallow chewing gum, it’s debatable whether it qualifies as food or not. However, chewing speeds up the production of saliva, which helps rinse away harmful acids more efficiently. Plus, your breath smells better. Just make sure to chew the sugar-free versions.

It is also important to visit your dentist for regular appointments at least twice a year. If you aren’t doing that already, consider visiting Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics.

Posted on Mar 22, 2021

Image Credit: File ID 15809750 | © Svetlana Vitkovskaya |



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