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How Frequently Should My Child See a Dentist?

A young boy in a dental chair during his checkup


If you are a parent of your very first child, you will most likely worry about many things. Among them may be thinking about how often you should take your child to see the dentist. After visiting a pediatric dentist for the first time, you may wonder when you should take your little one back to them again.

Regular Visits to The Dentist

You should take your child to the dentist twice a year. It can be done after a minimum gap of every six months. This will allow your child to get proper dental care from a young age. Many hygiene issues can be detected if you continue your regular visits to the dentist. For example, if there is a tooth that is decaying or any sign of cavities or inflammation, a pediatric dentist can diagnose and treat them.

Taking your child to the dentist regularly can help determine if your child's brushing techniques are effective. If they are not, they can advise you on the best methods to prevent the situation from worsening.

Regular dental cleanings and treatments linked with fluoride can help in creating a good dental hygiene routine for your child. If you neglect to take them to the dentist as recommended, it may cause problems that can worsen with time, which can become painful.

Can a Child Receive Dental X-Rays?

Dental x-rays are known to be a safe tool in prevention and diagnosis. They are important in observing hidden cavities and other issues with the teeth. Where radiation is concerned, lead aprons are used by dentists to enhance your child's protection.


Make it a practice to have your child visit the dentist for a regular dental checkup every 6 months. This will keep them safe from any dental problems that may be left untreated.

If you are looking for a great pediatric dentist, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted on Aug 8, 2022

Image Credit:

File ID 55973200 | © Stockyimages |



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