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How to React in a Dental Emergency

Smiling male dentist leaning against a dental chair

There can be several instances of a dental emergency. Ranging from accidents to trauma, these cases are highly stressful because tooth pain can be unbearable. Even if you are able to mitigate the pain with medication, you might be ignoring a problem that can escalate with time. From misaligned to loosening teeth, the issue can vary in its intensity. This problem is especially critical in children, as they are in their early stages of growth.

Here's how to react in a dental emergency:

1. Stay Calm and Avoid Hasty Decisions

In pain or accidents, people tend to freak out, mainly if children are involved. The first step in a dental emergency is to stay calm, as panic can result in mistakes. Rather than making a rushed call without knowing the full extent of the situation, get to a dentist as they are better equipped to deal with the circumstances properly. If there is bleeding, control it by pressing a piece of cotton where the blood is coming from. Most of all, though, don't panic.

2. Have a Go-To Pediatric Dentistry Specialist

A reliable and experienced kids' dentist is a valuable asset. In an emergency, there is no time to go out looking for a dentist you can trust. It is better, therefore, to have a go-to pediatric dentist. Since your child visits this dentist every 6 months, they understand your child and their individual case. It helps them treat emergencies more effectively, which eases the process for you and your family as well.

3. Stay Open to All Possibilities

In a dental emergency, it is not possible to foresee what the future course of action might be. It can be something as simple as a cut in the gum, which can heal on its own. On the other hand, the case might be severe enough to warrant a dental extraction. This is why it is important that, as a parent, you are prepared for all possible scenarios.


With a pediatric dentist you can trust, dental emergencies become more manageable. It also helps cut down any hasty decisions parents tend to make when a case like this arises.

If you are looking for a reliable pediatric dental specialist, get in touch with our team at Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics today.

Posted on Jul 25, 2022

Image Credit:

File ID 48962139 | © Wavebreakmedia Ltd |



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