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At What Age Do Kids Lose Their Teeth?

A child missing a tooth

As children grow and develop, they experience a significant dental milestone: losing their baby teeth, also known as primary teeth.

Parents must understand when and how this process occurs to ensure proper pediatric dental care for their children.

Let's delve into the typical age range for kids to lose their teeth and what parents can expect during this developmental stage, along with visiting a kids' dentist.

1. The Timeline of Primary Tooth Loss

Children typically begin losing their baby teeth around the age of 6 or 7, starting with the front teeth, known as the lower and upper central incisors. This process continues until around the age of 12 or 13, when most children have lost all their primary teeth, making way for permanent teeth to emerge.

2. Factors Influencing Tooth Loss

Several factors can influence the timing of primary tooth loss in children. Genetics plays a significant role, as tooth development patterns can vary from one child to another.

Additionally, factors such as oral hygiene practices, nutrition, and overall dental health under the supervision of a kids dentist can impact the health and stability of primary teeth.

3. Signs of Tooth Loss

Parents can anticipate tooth loss in their children by observing certain signs, including:

  • Loose primary teeth
  • Gums that appear red or swollen around loose teeth
  • Increased wiggling or movement of teeth
  • Complaints of discomfort or pain in the mouth

4. Importance of Pediatric Dental Care

Maintaining regular visits to kids' dentists or pediatric dental care specialists is crucial during this stage of dental development. Kids dentists, such as those at Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, are trained to provide comprehensive pediatric dental care tailored specifically to children's needs.

Ensure your child's dental health is on track with expert pediatric dental care at Firestone Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics.

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about fostering a lifetime of healthy smiles for your little ones!

Posted on Apr 8, 2024
Image Credit:

File ID 45433214 | © Sjhuls |



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