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Are Cavities on Baby Teeth Serious?

A young boy smiling

Did you know that around 60% of children between the ages of 9 and 12 experience some sort of tooth decay (cavities) that affects their baby teeth? Even though baby teeth are only temporary, they are still susceptible to cavities. If not treated, the cavities can affect the growth and structure of the adult teeth; which will eventually replace them. Read on to learn more about why cavities threaten baby teeth.

Symptoms of Baby Teeth with Cavities

Children of all ages have bacteria in their mouths, making them vulnerable to tooth decay, especially those with a diet high in sugar and starch, poor oral hygiene, and less saliva flow than is typical. Some common symptoms of baby teeth with tooth decay are as follows:

  • Pain below the gum line, which is localized around a specific tooth.
  • Pain in baby teeth when brushing or chewing.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold and hot beverages or food items.
  • Persistent bad breath isn’t even alleviated after consistent mouthwash and brushing.
  • Dark spots, discoloration, and visible holes on baby teeth.

Why Are Cavities Serious On Baby Teeth?

Tooth decay can be defined as an acid attack on the baby teeth’s enamel that can lead to cavities. If left untreated, cavities can cause the following problems:

  • Hinder the adult teeth (permanent teeth) from growing healthy and straight.
  • Impact your child’s nutrition and impede them from eating food.
  • Cause speech problems that can negatively affect your child’s self-esteem.
  • Overbites and bite alignment problems.
  • Lead to oral infections.
  • Severe tooth pain.

Bring Your Child to a Frederick Pediatric Dentist in Firestone, CO

To prevent tooth decay and cavities, ensure that your child follows good oral health and visits a Frederick orthodontist frequently. Click here to schedule an appointment or call us at (303)-848-3633.

Posted on May 23, 2022
Image Credit:

File ID 3547074 | © Martin Battiti |



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